Bacon Game Jam: The Magic RAINBOW Man!


So Bacon Game Jam was last weekend, I only had the Sunday free to work on it but I decided to see what I could come up with. The theme was Rainbows, my idea is a simple platformer but as you progress the rooms change colour and your jumping abilities change. I could use a bit of tweaking but I’m very happy with the result, check it out on the Bacon Jam Website!

crappy old games 1 – ZERO.


Over the next few weeks I’ll be going through my catalog of games I’ve made in the past. I’m trying to go in chronological order but but as it turns out my very first game is to poop to run. So we start with number two, I present “ZERO.”. That wasn’t a typo, I meant to put two full stops in a row. The name is actually “ZERO.” as in zero point, as in it’s pointless, get it? It’s an awful awful pun that I came up with at 2 or 3 in the morning after ten hours of coding.

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Brand spanking NEW!

The very first post on my new website for my new studio for my new games! NEW!


There’s nothing here right now but I’ll be filling it up with updates for the games I’m working on. I’ll also be going through my back catalog of games and writing up posts and thoughts on them.

Very exciting times ahead.