My picks from the 9th GM48

So every few months the lovely people over on /r/gamemaker have their GM48 game jam. If you don’t know what a game jam (judging for the food blogs following this blog you might think it goes on toast) it’s a competition to make a game from start to finish in just 48 hours. The theme for this game jam was “one minute”.

I made a game for but I’ll save the self promotion till the end. Firstly, here are my picks from this GM48!


by bitslap:


This feels like you’re playing through a seizure but I love it. The neon colours, the pulsating music, and the constant flashing all come together to create an experience that is intense and unapologetic. The game only lasts one minute but I could never make it to the end.

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I’ve been lazy

I know I know, I’ve been really bad at keeping this site up to date. I’ll do better this year, I swear.

Anyway, here’s a new game for you all to ingest. It’s called “Hold Fire” and it’s all about shooting everything in the face, forever.

