My picks from the 9th GM48

So every few months the lovely people over on /r/gamemaker have their GM48 game jam. If you don’t know what a game jam (judging for the food blogs following this blog you might think it goes on toast) it’s a competition to make a game from start to finish in just 48 hours. The theme for this game jam was “one minute”.

I made a game for but I’ll save the self promotion till the end. Firstly, here are my picks from this GM48!


by bitslap:


This feels like you’re playing through a seizure but I love it. The neon colours, the pulsating music, and the constant flashing all come together to create an experience that is intense and unapologetic. The game only lasts one minute but I could never make it to the end.


by Vinnie_V and BaconBoy123


A very well made game. It’s incredible that this was made by only 2 people in only 48 hours. The gameplay is simple enough, you’re a spider who’s trying to get your spider babies back from the bad spiders. You do this by placing bombs on the web and blowing up the other spiders, oh and your web is on a clock face which is ticking down (hence the one minute theme). A great game which I highly recommend.

The Three rooms of Hell

by greenio3



The concept is simple but it is extremely fun to play. You’re a guy in a room and you have to avoid the bullets being fired at you from the walls. Survive sixty seconds and move up to the next room, with more guns. I’m guessing there’s only three levels but I couldn’t finish the third level (even after playing longer then I care to admit). The art is quite simple it works well and for some reason he decided to make the window size really small.

Stopwatch Shotguns

by ME!



I don’t like talking about my self too much so I’ll keep this short. It’s a multiplayer game where you’re plopped down in a desert arena where you have sixty seconds to shoot each other in the face as much as you can. This is actually a remake of the first game I ever made. It’s really shows how far I’ve come in the past year. (I’ll post a pic of that game too)

The first game I ever made which stopwatch shotguns was based on:


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